Sunday, 8 April 2012

Learn to sip a cup of coffee slowly & self-reflexivity

Woahhhh, I'm back here to share about my week with another cup of cappuccino! Now, I'm so obssesed with drinking at coffee shop, man. It became my top self-entertain, I can say that. And if you ask me, what I do for relaxation? sit in coffee shop and drink! What I do to reduce stress? drink coffee! How do I concentrate on my self-learning? study at coffee shop & drink coffee! 

Ayeeee, now everything comes to the same patern. But, this cup of coffee is special, ermm in the sense that I learned something by the process of drinking it, as well as, by what I was literally doing while drinking this coffee.
To introduce this cup, ah ha I drank it at National Library of Singapore on Saturday (7-4-12). It's at Makarios cafe & bar at Located at Drama Centre, on level 3 of the Library ( for more information if you are interested haha :) ) There're a lot of nice smell foods hmmm. The prices are quiet high, though; but I like the quiet atmosphere. There's enough light for me to read haha, and the large window let me see people walking on street. I love observing, so the large window is like a brigthening for my brain & inspirations. It's a cafe and bar, so there're wines, beers, and champagnes too!

I haven't tried any of them there yet--I went there for study eh! Also, it was by the fact that Thursday night (before Good Friday) my curiosity led me to drink cheap beer, that is somewhat EWWS!! Mann, in fact, it shouldn't be called 'beer', man.. or is that because I mistake about the type of drink? Anyway, that drink contains a lot of sugar, carbon, weird taste, high alchohol-level, I think (I thought alchohol level should be low as the price haha), and maybe caffeine as well. It made me felt really headache and tired, and that's why I decided to throw that poor can of beer or whatever drink away. That night I couldn't sleep well. I better put it this way, I couldn't sleep at all! My body just laid on bed, but my consciousness and brain worked the whole night-- now, I hold on to this point -- don't touch alchohol during studying period man =)

Arh haha, what am I talking about now? Okay, let's go back to the point. That cup of coffee.. was very bitter and hot, yeah.. I'm sure that caffeine must be very high too. So, I had to sip it slowy. I concentrated on reading, and then sipped coffee, and I felt wow, actually the taste of this coffee is really not bad! I just need to sip it slowy. 
It's like life, you know. When you have a huge thing to work on, yeahh, and you know it's not easy.. but it's something you really have to do to reach the goals that you planned. It looks hard, and can be stressful, when you look at the processes to finish it. You might feel bitter deeply that it's not success in seconds.

So, don't be stressed! Do it step-by-step and you'll find enjoyment in your living. Learning step-by-step brings excitement. Take note of what you learned! develope your self-naratives by reflecting what you learned!

While drinking that coffee, I was reading an article, written by Rebecca Williams (2011), discussing about The West Wings' fans self-bonding to the story; and how they responsed when the show ended. The author applied some ideas from 'Anthony Giddens', a British Sociologist who wrote an article about modern-society and self-identity. One of his arguments is that people in mordern era develope their self-narative by "continually integrate[s] events which occur in the external world, and sort[s] them into the on-going story about the self"(Giddens, 1991, p. 54). Another interesting quotation that Williams cited in her thesis article is, reflecting about self makes "our past, present and future become visible and are held up in from of us like a mirror" (Kaspersen, 2000, p.88).

That's interesting! It inspires to write more as a reflection about my self. That's why I continue writing this blog.. and also, I'll write reflexive-articles more and more, to develop my writing skill, and to record what I learn. There're interesting points by the article by Williams, but I won't mention much on my blog. I have to keep best part for my own assignment to submit my University haha.  

references :)

Giddens, A, 1991. Modernity and self-identity: self and society in the late modern age, UK:Polity Press. 

Kaspersen, L.B., 2000. Anthony Giddens: An introduction to a socialist theorist, UK:Blackwell.

Williams, R., 2011. ‘This Is the Night TV Died: Television Post-Object Fandom and the Demise of The West WingPopular 

  After left the Library, I went for dinner!! :3 weeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~
This chicken (from chicken rice) is really nice. Yummy yummy. I wonder if there's a bit of Chinese alchohol mixed inside, my face turned red after ate it haha .

Outside Bugis junction

 The kids are playing with colorful water :)

Window shopping at Bugis street

I observed that teenagers that walk there must show nice appearance to buy clothes dahhhh

Sunday (8-4-12), a great day to rest and go church :)

I <3 Popiah :) But these two popiahs taste not so nice. I bought it near my home for lunch, and I won't buy it from there again :P eewwssss.. So I drank fav Soya milk and went church :)

This Sunday we celebrated Resurrection's day (Easter). There were many people waiting to go inside the auditorium. And when I went inside, woww, I like everything inside; the look of stage, the worship, the preaching, and  the performance before service ended. 

All in all, the best part is it's all about "Jesus"!. Although I went church alone, I felt that I was not alone. Jesus was really with me there :) Resurrection day is the day to celebrate for Jesus finished work at the cross. It's for you and me :) By His blood, we are forgiven and clothed with His righteousness. I like love Him because He died for me and also promised that He'll never leave nor forsake me. My identity has renewed since the very first day I received Christ. When I look in mirror, I do not have to review my bad habbits nor label those things as my charactor, because the price Jesus gave me is highest than anything else, and I'm so loved. So, I won't let false identity come to my mind. I'll look to the cross instead :), knowing that God loves me so much and He sees me as His child.

I used to analyze a lot about how people think of me. After I was convinced that I'm a new creation by Jesus finished work at the cross, I couldn't say anything. I felt so peaceful and happy than ever. My perception has changed :) I don't have to reflect about myself through circumstances seen by sight, but I see my self-narative as an on-going story about God's beloved daughter. Because Christ is in me and I'm in Christ, everything that relates to Him also relates to me! Jesus walks with me and I'll learn from Him step-by-step and in peace. Thus, my self-narative always reflect goodness! Because God is with me all the time, and He is so good! :D There's nothing to strive anymore, rest in Him, and learn from Him and enjoy my life in Him.

I was so touched by His love in church, and I cried a lot lol. A  lady sitting next to me also wiped her nose many times, haha :). 

The life is worth the living because He lives! :)

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1)  xD!!   

Photos of the week! @Little India :D

That's all of this week :). I promised to upload videos but I've been recording by my sony handy-cam recently. But I will! Maybe, when I'm in Liverpool? =P. Yes, I'll definitely record a lot of videos at UK, and I'll edit videos and post it on :D Can't wait to go UK, only 7 weeks more to go. Now, I'm planning with my friends that we gonna travel around UK the first week before our classes start =D 

Yup! I got to go =D have an awesome week! God bless you all! <3

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