Tuesday 23 December 2014

Christmas Memories

It has been a month since I came home. A warm hometown where I was born and raised. I do still keep thinking about time-zone in London, a lovely place where I had a great adventure. 

A beautiful winter in London, 2013

When can I see you again, oh oh oh oh? It seems like not long ago this time last year when I enjoyed the cool wind and coffee night at my friend’s house. I am missing my student life there a lot. Of course, my learning journey keeps going everywhere and anytime. 

This Christmas I will be spending time with my family. And Jesus is who we celebrate for (: My life would not has been this fun without Him. I still remember Christmas in my childhood. 

I could not think of any moment that I do not know Him. Jesus knows me and has promised that He will be with me always. 

I put my trust in Him and pray that His peace will be shared from heart to hearts. 

It was so strange to volunteer in Sunday School, in a good way (of course!). I saw a girl whose personality is exactly like me. Even my mother agreed when I showed a photo of her. She is silent and probably the youngest girl. She is polite and always observes what other friends do, just like me when I was a little. 

Now let me say about the present haha. Yes I do not know when I will stop missing my adventurous journeys. Probably I won’t stop (: but I know there will be more to come for sure. 

This is my last post for ‘Laughing Around the World’. I thank you everybody that have read my stories. I am planning to start writing more in a new blog. There are several topics I can think of now but will need a little bit more time to choose at least one. For updates from myself please follow me on Twitter: @keurkoon ! 

Wish you all happy holidays! 

Rainbow (Keurkoon P.) xxx

Sunday 6 April 2014


Have you ever traced for your favourite fictional characters in your real life? Do you imagine about your relationships with them or create additional storyline? 

Lovely magazine!

Jacqueline Wilson welcoming children at Museum of Childhood

I am a BIG fan of Jacqueline Wilson and I read lots of her books in Thai when I was a child. One of my favourite books is “Girls Under Pressure”. It is  in the collection of four 'girls' series. I love the main character Ellie a chubby girl and her friends Nadine and Magda. When I was a secondary school student back home in Thailand, I used to play a funny game with my friends. I would call it ‘tracing for fictional characters in school.’ One of my best friends looks like Nadine, so we call her by that name. We have not found anyone who really looks like either Ellie or Magda in our school.

I created another story which I adapted some ideas about Ellie and Magda to my Thai fictional characters. Jackie’s book inspired me to write the fiction online and I shared the story to my friends. And then, we traced for more characters that look like the ones from my novel. 

Since September last year I have been searching for the girls that look like Ellie, Nadine and Magda in England. I was so blessed to know three Ellie(s) at my University. I still remember how these girls from Jackie’s fiction influenced me. The characters that she created are so alive in my imagination. I love them and I love Jacqueline Wilson so much! She is my favourite writer of all time! 

The best thing was to meet the person that made these characters alive in my childhood. I am so glad that I met her yesterday at Museum of childhood.  It was an incredible experience I ever had! It was the happiest day of 2014!

The creators of my imaginary friends! Jacqueline Wilson (Author) & Nick Sharratt (Illustrator)
Their names signed on my book! HAPPY! LOVE!

It seems like I was the only one who went there alone with no parents hehe. I love to see all the children and parents. I love the happy family atmosphere. I felt that I was in part of it, even though my mother, and father, sister, and grandmother did not go with me (: I will definitely bring them to the museum when they visit me in London.

Another picture of me and Jackie hehehe

Yes, I do want to be a writer!

Museum of Childhood is a lovely place that everyone should visit. At the gallery the toys from the early days are displayed. 

I love the message about creativity here.

Salmon wrap for my lunch.

Blossom! At the garden nearby Museum of Childhood

Another shot (:

Long shot!

On that day I was reminded that play is so important. It is the can-opener to new ideas and imagination. I should be happy like those little children and do not be afraid to trace my dreams from my childhood. 

And oh, please watch my ‘Alone Together’ documentary. It is in part of my uni project. The idea about the important of play and creativity is in there, too (: All my classes ended and so I am going to spend this time to explore more about inspiring ideas. Make the best out of my time here in London!


I love this song! I like other versions too, but I find this one still the cutest <3 

Saturday 15 March 2014

Happy birthday TO ME (:

21 years ago I came out from my mom's tummy and observed the world for the first time. Congratulations mommy! I am so happy to be your daughter and I thank God for this life that He gave to me (:  

Rainbow's 21st birthday card flew all the way from Thailand to Northwest London.

I actually received this first vivid card from my family a week before my real birthday (my BD is 1st of March). And then I received lots of virtual birthday cards through my Facebook's timeline on the day in Singapore and Thai Time-zone haha. 

On 1st March 2014, I woke up and shouted YOLO! (in imagination). I went out for jogging but it was quite cold, so I came back in my room early. I made myself Thai style noodles which tastes not too bad lol. In the afternoon, my birthday adventure began in Borough Market. 

Oh yes, I forgot to tell that I bought myself rainbow's cookies. I ate this one after I had my lunch and it tastes much better that my noodles haha. 

Borough Market, London.
Pret, somewhere around there :) 

I realized that I went to the market way too early and I just had my lunch. It was not the proper time to have dinner yet, obviously. So, I sat in Pret and reflected for a while. Amazing the song with my name "Somewhere over the rainbow" played in the cafe on by birthday. There was a baby crying so loud seems to remind me that she or he was just like me on my actual date of birth. 

Indian food at Borough Market for dinner. It was standing and eating time. 

Yummy Ice-cream! I was so cold after finished it and could barely breathe afterwards for 15 minutes.

The day was ending with wonderful colours on the sky and shadow from the architecture 

But that was not yet the ending of my celebration...

BBQ pork with Rice in China Town, London.

I celebrated with a friend of mine whose birthday is also in March. I was so happy!! Hoha! 

In this blog I want to share my experience as a student, but I have not told stories about my studying life actually. Probably in next post? Hmmm let me think.. :) 

But I have contributed a post to NSMNSS (New Social Media New Social Science) blog and I hope more of my posts would be published. The first post is the introduction to my postgraduate dissertation and the methods that I am going to use. You can find it via this link goo.gl/rdfqak 

Yay! I am hungry now and nothing shall stop me from celebrate life. 
Life is a gift worth living. I live to celebrate and one way to do it is to eat :) :) :) :) and other stuffs as well haha. Bye now, I am going out to find yummy lunch for today waaaahooo! 

Sunday 12 January 2014

Feeling Nostalgic for Childhood

We have lots of stories about the good old days to tell. Some good moments might not be that long time ago, but interwoven with nostalgia...

I love having party with myself in my room here. I had a memorable selfie New Year’s eve celebration with my homemade pasta and a cup of coffee.  After New Year’s day I watched my favourite British television series inspired by Jaqueline Willson’s children novel (I had watched them many times). And then yesterday was Thai National Children’s Day and I saw lots of my Thai friends changed their profile pictures into the theme of childhood moments. I missed my childhood too but it was not Children’s day in England, so guess what did I do?

Well, when I realize that I am physically isolated from my hometown, I like to have adventure through pictures of the good old days.

I kept them in my lovely drive which it has privilege to travel around the world with me. I looked through lots of old pictures and videos with hope that I can bring little cheerful moment onto my Facebook’s timeline. In the end I just posted a few of them...

Come and play with me!

Well, that was absolutely not my drawing, but just a snapshot from an academic book I recently found in University’s library. The author writes on how play and friendships are important for children to learn about society and grow up.

I don’t have that kind of pictures from my childhood. I just don’t find them.

When I think of my fun moments in children, I better say all those memories happened in my private corner. All that fun time to play computer in my room and chat with friends all day all night! 

Rainbow's room at the age of 12.

I used to be online all the time (not really different from now, isn’t it?). This picture reminds me of great adventure into online world, and I used to write novel fiction online as well. I could search for everything that I wanted to know, and be at any place I wanted to be just in the virtual world. I talked with different weird people that I will never meet in real life. 

When I was a child I wanted to be a pianist

Actually I wanted to be so many things as a child. From a doctor, a nurse, a vet, a teacher, then a musician, and when I was 10 I realized that I enjoyed writing. I used to write a lot about trips with my family. I dreamed to travel around the world!

And now that I am in London. God brought be far beyond imaginations I ever had.

Rainbow, 20 (turning 21 this year) at a park and she was showing her coat lol.

I just found this great place to exercise. There are not a lot of people here but I am happy to release all imaginations while spending the moment alone. It was great to take a break from my computer and online world. 


I own this playground :) hehehe

Watch dogs.

I smell coffee beans and biscuits from the cafe at this park.

The fact that I am addicted to coffee is one difference from my childhood. I need coffee everyday just at least two cups a day then I can survive.

It helps me to bring out insights within my souls when doing school projects. It lets me release my imaginations. Cheers!

Me at Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park January 2014 

Hey, there you see that actually I don’t really change much. I am still not old though haha. My life has long way to go, and I pick good moments from the past to remind myself that.. life is made up of the on-going stories.

There are remarkable moments that make us today. We can write autobiographies of our lives, shall we?

So I want to end my post in Rainbow’s traditional way. I picked my favourite song from Sunday school. It will be our reminder that the light that God put on our lives from childhood to this moment is valuable.

This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine : )
Everywhere I go I’m gonna let it shine!